Editorial Board

Dr Abdullah Erdem Canda
Koç University, School of Medicine, Department of Urology, Istanbul, Turkey.
Editorial Board
Dr Riccardo Autorino
Professor of Urology and Director of Surgical Innovation, Department of Urology, Rush University, Chicago, USA.
Prof Dr Jean de la Rosette
Professor of Urology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Dr Selçuk Güven
Associate Professor of Urology, Department of Urology, Necmettin Erbakan University, Meram School of Medicine, Konya, Turkey.
Prof Jørgen Bjerggaard Jensen
Urology Consultant, Department of Urology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus; Department of Urology, Hospital of West Jutland, Holstebro, Denmark; Chairman, Scandinavian Urothelial Cancer Group; Chairman, Danish Bladder Cancer Group; Member, EAU Guideline Groups.
Mr Marius Rebek
Consultant Urologist, The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust, UK.
Dr Roberto Sanseverino
Chief, Department of Surgery and Urology, Azienda Sanitaria Locale Salerno, Salerno, Italy.
Dr Alan J. Wein
Emeritus Professor of Urology and Surgery, Emeritus Chief of Urology, Emeritus Director, Residency Program in Urology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, USA; President Elect, International Society for Men’s Health; Membership Committee Chair, Society of Academic Urology; Executive Committee Historian for the Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine and Urogenital Reconstruction; Underactive Bladder Working Group, International Continence Society; Editor-in-Chief of Campbell-Walsh Urology; Winner of the Keyes Medal in 2012 from the American Association of Genitourinary Surgeons.
Prof Henry Woo
Professor of Surgery and Head of Discipline, Surgery, Sydney Adventist Hospital Clinical School, University of Sydney, Australia; Professor of Robotic Cancer Surgery and Director of Uro-Oncology, Chris O’Brien Lifehouse, Sydney, Australia.