The Aetiopathogenesis of Psoriasis in 2014: An Update - European Medical Journal

The Aetiopathogenesis of Psoriasis in 2014: An Update

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*Paola Di Meglio,1 Rose K. Mak2

P.M. has been a speaker for a company producing a targeted therapy for treatment of patients with psoriasis. R.M. has no potential conflict of interest.

EMJ Dermatol. ;2[1]:61-70. DOI/10.33590/emjdermatol/10312377.
Genetics, skin, immune system, targeted therapies.

Each article is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 License.


Psoriasis is a common inflammatory skin disease and its immuno-aetiopathogenesis has been extensively studied, using both human clinical samples and animal models of disease in the last four decades. This large effort has resulted in the identification of a number of psoriasis-susceptibility genes, T cells as critical effector cells in disease pathogenesis, and in a number of pro-inflammatory cytokines underlying the disease. More importantly, these findings have been translated into novel targeted therapies already in the clinic or in the advanced stage of clinical trials. Here, we review the more recent genetic and immunological findings and identify research gaps and future directions to take to further improve our understanding of one of the most common skin diseases.

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