Unmasking Bullying and Harassment in Healthcare - European Medical Journal

Unmasking Bullying and Harassment in Healthcare

General Healthcare

The EMJ Podcast | Episode 185

Jonathan is joined by Simon Fleming, orthopaedic surgeon, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, Australia, and Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Passionate about improving the quality and culture of healthcare, Simon discusses advocating for increased education standards, and his groundbreaking work to drive out bullying, discrimination, and harassment in healthcare.

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Speaker bio:

Simon Fleming graduated from St Bartholomew’s Hospital and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, both in London, UK, before practicing as an orthopaedic surgeon at Bundaberg Base Hospital in Queensland, Australia. Since then, he has worked as an orthopaedic registrar at several UK hospitals, while actively advocating for excellence in surgical training and mentoring. He has spoken widely across the UK and abroad, including delivering a TEDx Talk around his award-winning #HammerItOut campaign, aimed at tackling bullying and discriminatory behaviours in the National Health Service (NHS), to create positive and empowering workplaces and improve patient care. Simon has received over 15 awards for his work in improving standards in medical education, and shining the spotlight on a need for cultural change in healthcare organisations, including being the first male to receive Honorary Membership from the Medical Women’s Federation.

Simon’s TEDx NHS Talk can be found here.

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