Sparking Discussions to Unravel Epilepsy - European Medical Journal

Sparking Discussions to Unravel Epilepsy


The EMJ Podcast | Episode 182

This week’s episode spotlights epilepsy, exploring research in the field, and global perspectives on this condition. Jonathan is joined by Maeike Zijlmans, who discusses the electrical activity in the brain which is causative for this disorder; seizures and loss of consciousness; and the more unknown aetiologies of epilepsy.

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Speaker bio:

Maeike Zijlmans is a Neurologist and Professor at the University Medical Center (UMC) Utrecht, and Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland, Heemstede, both in the Netherlands. After completing her neurology training at UMC, Maeike read for a PhD at the University of Utrecht, entitled ‘New presurgical techniques to characterize the focus of epilepsy,’ which she completed in 2011. She also has qualifications in law and biology from the University of Utrecht, and in engineering from Technical University Delft, the Netherlands.

Maeike has been credited with many awards, including the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award, the Amsterdamsche Neurologenvereeniging Stimuleringsprijs for young researchers in neurology, and the American Epilepsy Society Young Investigators Award for young researcher and best abstract. She sits on several scientific committees for organisations such as the Dutch Epilepsy Society, and is the Co-chair of the Next Generation Task Force at the International League Against Epilepsy. She is also a regular at many conferences around the world.

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