Cancer Prevention and Early Detection - European Medical Journal

Cancer Prevention and Early Detection

The EMJ Podcast | Episode 117

In this episode, Jonathan Sackier is joined by David Crosby, Head of Prevention and Early Detection Research at Cancer Research UK. The pair discuss Crosby’s career, providing insights into Cancer Research UK’s mission, and his role within the organisation. Further discussion points include the challenges and solutions for prevention and early detection of cancer.

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Speaker bio:

David Crosby first studied pharmacology at the University of Bristol, UK, then completed a PhD studying cell signalling in platelets. After spending time in academia, lecturing in clinical pharmacology, he moved to industry, working for the world’s largest medical gases company, Linde Gas Therapeutics. He then moved into the public sector as he joined the Medical Research Council: the UK government research funding agency. During this time, he oversaw multiple research funding programmes and various science areas, before starting his role at Cancer Research UK, where he is now Head of Prevention and Early Detection Research; developing and implementing a new strategy and programme for research investments, which aims to accelerate progress towards earlier detection and prevention of cancer, through an integrated multidisciplinary approach, driven by improvements in health outcomes.

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