Liver Elastography for Early Diagnosis of Liver Cirrhosis Webinar

Liver Elastography for Early Diagnosis of Liver Cirrhosis


Liver Elastography for Early Diagnosis of Liver Cirrhosis discusses the essentials of liver elastography and how the non-invasive quantitation of liver stiffness by ultrasound-based elastography has not only revolutionized the early diagnosis of liver diseases, namely liver cirrhosis, but also holds an enormous prognostic power. With patients with liver cirrhosis often being asymptomatic thus resulting in late diagnosis, liver cirrhosis has become a major health problem worldwide. This webinar helps to gain an understanding of elastography techniques and explores the potential to expand these beyond the liver, to many other tissues which could help transform disease diagnosis in general.

Watch this webinar to learn about:
• the challenges in the diagnosis of liver diseases
• the advantages of disease screening by elastography, including the latest technology
• the essentials of 20 years of research and clinical studies on elastography
• future directions and open questions


About our guest speaker

Sebastian Mueller is Professor of Medicine and the current Director of the Center for Alcohol Research at the University of Heidelberg. He studied medicine in Leipzig, Denver and Strasbourg and obtained a PhD in Biophysics at Leipzig University. He was gastroenterology resident and consultant at the University of Heidelberg, postdoctoral fellow at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles and lecturer at the BIDMC at Harvard Medical School in Boston. For many years, he has worked as vice-head of an internal medicine and gastroenterology department in Heidelberg. He has authored more than 200 publications, contributed to national and international guidelines on liver diseases and edited three books, among them “Liver elastography” published by Springer Nature in 2020. From 2017-2021, he has served as president of the European Society of Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ESBRA). Mueller has ongoing funding from the DFG (German Research Society), NIH (USA) and private foundations.

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