Editorial Board

Prof Sorin Barbu
Professor of Surgery, “Iuliu Hațieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania
Editorial Board
Prof Dan Dumitrascu
Professor of Medicine, "Iuliu Hațieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania
Dr Oliver Grundmann
Clinical Professor and Director, University of Florida, USA
Prof Christoph Gubler
Head of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Stadtspital Zürich, Switzerland
Dr Hasan Haboubi
Academic Gastroenterologist & Honorary Clinical Lecturer, Swansea University, UK
Prof Najib Haboubi
Professor of Health Sciences, Spire Hospital, UK
Dr Waseem Hamoudi
Consultant of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Therapeutic Endoscopy, Royal Hospital, Jordan
Dr Devika Kapuria
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Washington University, St. Louis, USA
Dr Panagiotis Kasapidis
Consultant Gastroenterologist and Gastrointestinal Endoscopist, Central Clinic of Athens, Greece
Prof Milan Lukáš
IBD Clinical and Research Centre, Clinical Centre ISCARE and 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Dr Venkata Pawan Kumar Lekharaju
Consultant Gastroenterologist and Physician, Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, UK